Why Have My Teeth Shifted Over the Years?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sounddentist @ 7:15 pm
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The human body continues to develop at all stages of life. As much as we’d all like to believe that our teeth will stay in place after we finish orthodontic treatments in our teen years, the truth is that years of use and the changing dimensions of the mouth can cause them to shift over time. Here’s a brief overview of why this happens as well as how SureSmile Aligners can address the problem.

Why Have My Teeth Shifted Out of Position?

Teeth can move out of position over the years for a variety of reasons. As the face ages, changes in its bone and muscle structures can shift teeth, which can result in new gaps forming or the teeth becoming crowded. A person’s jawbone will also move forward as they get older, and the changing bite patterns can contribute to teeth shifting.

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can be a major contributor to teeth losing their alignment. Many people grind their teeth as a stress response when awake, and many others grind unconsciously when they sleep. This habit can change the shape of teeth by wearing down the enamel, changing the way they bite together while also slowly forcing the teeth out of position.

How Can I Get My Teeth Back in Order?

Many adults are hesitant about committing to traditional metal braces. For some of them, it’s because they don’t want to have to wear an irremovable metal appliance for a year or more, and others may be reluctant because they have worn braces previously. Luckily, SureSmile orthodontic treatments allow patients to straighten their teeth with removable and virtually invisible clear aligners.

The process begins with a consultation. After your dentist has determined that SureSmile is a suitable treatment for you, they will take detailed scans of your teeth. These measurements will be used to construct a series of aligners designed to shift your teeth into healthier and more aesthetically pleasing positions. You’ll have to wear each set of aligners for at least twenty hours daily while removing them for meals and oral hygiene and move on to the next set in the sequence after two weeks. The process can take anywhere from several to eighteen months.

There’s no reason to settle for teeth that have fallen out of proper alignment. Your dentist can make the final call as to whether you are a candidate for SureSmile treatment.

About the Practice

Sound Dentistry offers the best dental health services available in New Bedford, MA. Led by Drs. Moftah El-Ghadi, John Govostes, and Anna Kitsos, the staff treats each patient with genuine concern and stellar customer service. Areas of expertise include preventive, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry as well as orthodontic treatments like SureSmile. To schedule an orthodontic consultation, contact the office online or dial (508) 996-6777.

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